Stress, Spirituality, and the Creative Mind

About a month ago I was invited to join a program designed for creative individuals with "entrepreneurial and spiritual tendencies."

I tend to avoid organized groups like this. I don't really know why. I think by default I'm a very private person, and I tend to find value in reflection, writing, and one-on-one conversations. Sharing with groups is just not my thing.

But something about this one seemed different. The invitation was subtle in its wording, but it was unique in its appeal to three important aspects of my identity: professional, creative, and spiritual. 

So I agreed to participate. 

I didn't expect results quite this fast, and I'm disoriented, in a way. Disoriented, yet also feeling like I'm able to hold strong and fast to a sort of steering rudder.  It's like I'm suddenly gaining speed, and accelerating at a rate that ignites a bit of nervousness inside me, but also realizing that I'm not floating around in a dingy anymore. I'm in a much more sophisticated vessel. One that's been designed for the open seas. 

This vessel is advanced. It runs on foils. It has sails of various sizes that can be run up and down the mast with efficiency and ease. It's sophisticated. Particular. And requires maintenance.

I've been in the harbor too long. And this program got me back into the race. 

Suddenly my responsibilities are growing again, and growing fast. 

I feel stress creeping in. But the new vessel is prepared for that. The side of the hull are sleeker, more viscous, less prone to friction.

I'm curious. Excited. I wonder if soon I might need a crew.

I've read that fear is simply excitement without the breath. As I'm faced with bigger challenges, more responsibilities, I'm simply reminding myself to breath, and breath deep. And breath regularly and with intention.

And it's making all the difference.


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