The Body is a Temple

One of the more surprising aspects to come from my meditation practice is the occasional insight into Bible verses.

Like many observations during meditation, these insights seem to come out of nowhere. They rise up with the clarity of direct experience and often seem just as real and tangible as the apple falling from the tree that gave Newton the Law of Gravity.

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?

When we shift our awareness to the body, peace can descend upon us. When we drop our consciousness from the mind to the body, there is a relief to be found from the tenacity of rumination.

And the better we treat our bodies with fresh air, moderate exercise, and nutritional foods, the more it becomes apparent that by treating our bodies as sacred, as temples worthy of great respect, the more divine they become, and the more powerful and direct is our connection to a higher power.


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