I'm 73 days sober when.... I sit at a table with powerful people. It is a privilege to be here and will undoubtedly be good for my business. We are celebrating. Bottles of wine are being opened. A *really* nice bottle is opened first. I don't know how much it costs, but somewhere above the buzz of vibrant conversation, the phrase "a thousand dollars" stands out. Glasses are poured, celebratory cheers offered all around. Before I know it, a glass is in my hand. My sister throws me a surprise party. Friends are there that I haven't seen in a long time. Colleagues I worked with years ago are here. Friendly, familiar faces of the long past. I don't know how my sister even knew to invite them. I'm guided to my seat at the table. An ice cold beer in a tall glass is poured for me. Everyone makes eye contact and smiles at me. I'm known for my love of beer. A good family friend has just passed. I attend her wake. It is all a fog. I hate funerals. I don't w...
I managed the first temptation to abandon my experiment with sobriety by opting out of the situation all together. I was invited to a live concert at a favorite nearby music venue, and though the draw was considerable, I simply chose not to go and instead spend a quiet night at home. The second temptation afforded me no such option. The 49ers were facing the Chiefs in the Super Bowl and we had a small family gathering planned. Opportunities to get together with my mom and my sister, brother-in-law, and nieces are harder and harder to come by, and the passings of my dad and older sister in the past few years bring an increased appreciation and humility for their genuine rarity. I was committed to going. I was looking forward to it. However, beer and football tend to go hand-in-hand, of course, and that wasn't lost on me. But, I was surprisingly unencumbered by the thought of it. The absence of even the mildest of after-effects from alcohol have been overwhelmingly relieving ...
A friend of mine is superhuman. He's up every day at God knows what time. But whatever time that is, he is able to run through his morning routine of meditating, reading, and writing before driving to the next town over to run a fitness class. Not just a fitness class, but a high-intensity workout class. The kind that leaves you feeling like you've got nothing left in the tank. So, he's depleted his body of all of its available glycogen and carbohydrates before the sun has come up. Then, he goes to his job (I believe he teleports) teaching things like grammar and math and history to middle schoolers. He doesn't just teach them about equations, verbs, and the Ottoman Empire -- he teaches them life skills and how to show up in the world. This is not a teacher that phones it in. He's into it. He's athletic director of the sports program and oversees every single sport the school has to offer. Boys and girls, on-field and on-court, on campus and off. He coaches his...
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