Do It Anyway
I didn't want to get out of bed on a chilly morning to take the call from a client who is several time zones ahead of me. I did it anyway. I didn't want to open bill from my insurance provider marked "personal and confidential." I did it anyway. I didn't want to drive hours away and fight 3-day-weekend traffic to pick up an old friend at the airport. I did it anyway. The result of these actions was one less thing I had to carry with me for the rest of the day, or week, or month, or whatever time it might take until action was non-negotiable or somehow got left behind in the annals of time. There are lots of things I used to do out of obligation or social pressure or because someone long forgotten said I had to, or for no other reason than I felt that I should, that I now do because taking action is empowering and liberating. It frees the soul. I live inside my head so much. I always have. I look inward first, and often. It's not so much that I'm indecisive...