"The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain. " - Kahlil Gibran I wrote recently about the feeling of emptiness . By the end of the blog post I acknowledged an understanding that this state of being would be temporary. And here I am just a week or so later feeling filled, or more accurately, flowing. One thing that a meditation practice can make you intimately aware of is that things are always changing. Everything rises and falls away. One of the healthiest and helpful insights to be gained is that this is true of thoughts and feelings. Knowing this liberates you from their apparent stranglehold on you as you go about your daily life. It occurs to me that being empty or being filled is, in a way, impossible. They imply a steady state. A destination. A place of arrival. This is an illusion. A false perception that is perhaps not easy to shake. Yet, as I emerged from the feeling of emptiness, and felt a feeling of being filled -- filled with sa...